Macedon Square safety and amenity works

1 Sep 2023
Liveable Places and Spaces Templestowe

Improving safety at Macedon Square 

We are committed to improving and maintaining the safety and amenity of local shopping centres like Macedon Square.

We are currently doing some minor safety and amenity works at Macedon Square. These works are part of our ongoing asset renewal and maintenance program.

For more information visit Your Say Manningham.


Project updates

January 2024 

We’re beginning stage three works in late January.

These works will involve:

Early 2024

  • Installing bollards and realigning the kerb on the east side of Macedon Road (outside Riddik Café)
  • Replacing damaged kerb and uneven pavers.
  • Replacing bluestone crossing points with asphalt wombat crossings. The bluestone pavers will be re-purposed within the centre.
  • Installing structural cells in some car parks near trees to support tree growth.


  • Asphalting and line marking of the entire car park.
  • Upgrade to parking signage within the centre.

Improving and maintaining the safety and amenity of our local shopping centres is a priority for us.

Our Council Plan demonstrates our commitment to enhancing our activity centres and supporting traders to ensure thriving local businesses, as well as community accessibility and safety.

Manningham Council is a signatory to the Small Business Friendly Council Charter which commits us to minimise disruption to traders during works. You can read more at the Victorian Small Business Commission website.

If you have any questions