Help shape the future of Manningham

3 Oct 2019
Vibrant and Prosperous Economy

What do you think about our vibrant places and familiar faces, our thriving economy and local gastrostomy, our natural sounds and sporting grounds?

Manningham Council is calling on people who live, work and play in Manningham to share their best ideas and help shape the future of our City.

Imagine Manningham 2040 is a series of community workshops running across the municipality throughout October. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges for the future including population growth, congestion and climate change, and build a community vision for the City for the next 20 years.

The Doncaster Hill Community Fun Day, at MC Square on Saturday 12 October, will have plenty of opportunities for younger residents and families to come together and have their say. There will be children’s storytime sessions and family fun activities to enjoy while imagining ways to help design the place where they will play and live in the future.

Three Community workshops will be also be held in Doncaster, Lower Templestowe and Warrandyte during October.

This community feedback will help develop a plan for the future of Manningham in 2040 as well as a Liveable City Strategy and guide for future development of Doncaster Hill.

Find out more and register at Your Say Manningham. 

Manningham Mayor, Cr Paula Piccinini said the ideas from the community would help shape the future of Manningham.

“We are interested in the community’s vision for the City as we move towards 2040. We’d love to hear ideas about parks and open spaces, transport, streetscapes and urban design, development, community services, local neighbourhoods and business activity,” she said.

“We want our city to be a great place to live, work and play. We want to hear what you value in your community and your best ideas for making Manningham even better. Your feedback will help inform plans that will shape the future of our City.”

Doncaster Hill Community Fun Day
Saturday 12 October, 10.00am to 1.00pm
MC Square Civic Centre Forecourt
687 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

IM2040 Doncaster Community Workshop
Monday 14 October, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Manningham Civic Centre
699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

IM2040 Lower Templestowe Community Workshop
Wednesday 16 October, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Lower Templestowe Community Centre
293 Manningham Road, Lower Templestowe

IM2040 Warrandyte Community Workshop
Saturday 26 October, 10.00am to 1.00pm
Victory Room, Warrandyte Community Centre
168 Yarra Street, Warrandyte