Doncaster Hill Community Garden

13 Feb 2017
Vasili's Community Garden Group Session Photo

Doncaster Hill Community Garden

Located on the site of the old Doncaster Kindergarten and Child Health Care Centre, the Doncaster Hill Community Garden is a new way of visualising what a community space can look like.

Comprising of 24 temporary garden beds, the site is more a ‘shared backyard’ rather than your traditional plot garden. There are no fences, locked gates or private plots. The garden is open to all and welcomes anyone with a passion for growing food, meeting neighbours and volunteering.

While most of the produce gets donated to local charities and community food banks, volunteers are able to get involved in a host of fun and interesting activities including pesto making, picnics and gardening skills sessions that make the most out of our produce.  

The garden gets a lot of help from children too, with kids from the local primary school, kindergarten and child care centre all lending a hand to plant, water and tend the garden.

Would you like to get involved? Email for more information.