Bicycle Routes rolled out across Manningham

20 Apr 2015
Healthy Community

Manningham Council recognises the benefits of encouraging cycling as a sustainable mode of transport that is integral to improving the health of the community, minimising traffic congestion and achieving environmental benefits.

The Manningham Bicycle Strategy 2013 outlines bicycle routes and appropriate infrastructure to encourage more people to cycle in and around activity centres, reserves and other community hubs.

As part of the Strategy, bicycle symbols and complementary signage are being rolled out on some local streets to highlight to passing motorists that cyclists are in the area.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Paul McLeish said streets chosen for the preferred cycling routes have low traffic volumes and a speed limit of 50 kilometres or less.

“Bicycle symbols have been placed in the centre of some roads to ensure they are visible to both motorists and cyclists, and they are not obstructed by parked cars.”

“The symbols do not designate bicycle lanes or change existing parking arrangements. Residents are also reminded that the Victorian Road Rules require cyclists to ride to the left of the road, where possible,” he said.

Council is committed to encouraging mode shift and reducing resident’s reliance on private vehicles, with Australian Bureau of Statistics data indicating Manningham has one of the highest car ownership rates in metropolitan Melbourne.  

For more information about the bicycle strategy and associated works, visit the Your Say Manningham website.