Advocating for our community for the Doncaster Park and Ride

12 Sep 2024
Liveable Places and Spaces Doncaster Doncaster East
Rendering of the Doncaster Park and Ride proposed carpark

North East Link Project (NELP) has released designs for the redevelopment of the Doncaster Park and Ride, which you can now provide feedback on and have your say. 

The designs are within a draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP), which shows that the Doncaster Park and Ride will connect to a new dedicated busway along the Eastern Freeway, known as the Eastern Busway. 

The plan is to construct the facility into a modern version of its existing state (like-for-like), resulting in the Park and Ride being retained as a car park and bus interchange only, with a similar number of car parking spaces. The draft UDLP is currently on exhibition for public comment.

Council will be providing a submission in response to the UDLP to propose that the current plan is a missed opportunity to reconstruct the Doncaster Park and Ride as a mixed-use Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). 

While the facility being redeveloped into a modern interchange is positive, this is a key opportunity for TOD, which could provide wide-ranging benefits to the community, environment and local economy.

We will be advocating that there is a growing demand for park and ride facilities due to population growth and the lack of any rail infrastructure in Manningham. This is shown through the high-usage of the newly opened Bulleen Park and Ride which consistently operates at capacity, and reinforces the significant opportunity this Doncaster Park and Ride site offers for our community.

As such, our submission seeks to include a multi-level car park with increased capacity, new open spaces areas, as well as retail and other commercial opportunities. This is in-line with our commissioned 2022 site design concept which was endorsed on 26 July 2022 as Council’s preferred redevelopment outcome for the Doncaster Park and Ride site.

We ask you to join us in advocating that Doncaster Park and Ride be reconstructed to include: 

  • mixed-use transit-oriented development
  • increase in carpark spaces, or
  • flexibility to address population growth and allow for mixed-use development in future. 

Have your say

Help shape the Doncaster Park and Ride. You can provide feedback while the UDLP is on exhibition until 5.00pm Tuesday 24 September 2024.

To find out more, or to make a submission, head to Engage Victoria.

What’s next?

Council will be considering its submission on the Doncaster Park and Ride UDLP at its meeting on Tuesday 16 September. Following this, the submission will be lodged on behalf of Council to Engage Victoria. 

NELP will consider all written comments and submissions received, before the final UDLP is submitted to the Minister for Planning for consideration.

You can read more on the Big Build website and sign up to receive email updates.

Submissions close 5.00pm, Tuesday 24 September 2024.