Advocating for mixed-use development for the Doncaster Park and Ride

16 Sep 2024
Liveable Places and Spaces Doncaster
Rendering of the Doncaster Park and Ride proposed carpark

We've provided a submission to the Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for the Doncaster Park and Ride Upgrades, as part of the North East Link Project (NELP).

Our recommendations throughout the submission demonstrate our strong commitment to advocating for a mixed-use transit-oriented development due to the wide-ranging benefits to the community, environment, and local economy.

Our detailed submission focuses on key outcomes we're seeking, including: 

  • multi-level car park with increased capacity
  • a mix of retail and commercial development
  • public open space areas
  • increased car parking spaces for bus commuters
  • improved access to retail for surrounding residents
  • improved public transport access
  • pedestrian connectivity to be maintained and improved   
  • noise walls that meet the expectations of our community, and
  • robust future-proofing for our growing population and evolving community needs.

Our submission also provides a detailed assessment of the UDLP, focusing on key areas across: 

  • traffic, car parking and access
  • urban design and architecture
  • open space and landscaping
  • amenity
  • cultural themes
  • as well as other considerations.

We lodged our submission in September 2024.

For more information, please download the Urban Design and Landscape Plan submission.

Manningham submission Doncaster Park and Ride UDLP September 2024
Manningham submission Doncaster Park and Ride UDLP September 2024
21.18 MB

For more information and to view the UDLP, visit Doncaster Park and Ride Upgrades on Engage Victoria.


What’s next?

NELP will consider all written comments and submissions received, then finalise the UDLP and submit it to the Minister for Planning for consideration.

After the Minister for Planning has approved the UDLP, the community will be updated on how feedback was considered.

You can read more on the Big Build website and sign up to receive email updates.

Have your say

Help shape the next piece of the Eastern Busway. Submissions close 5.00pm Tuesday 24 September 2024. To find out more, head to Engage Victoria