A Symphony of Dichotomies

Vibrant blue and black watercolour painting of a small bird against an abstract background

Event details

687 Doncaster Road
VIC 3058

Contact information
Arts Manningham
This exhibition is no longer showing in the Manningham Art Gallery.

Tasmina K Majles is a Bangladeshi born visual artist based in Melbourne. In 2019, she earned a Master of Creative Arts from Deakin University, Australia.

Her practice explores the presence of duality in nature and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Nature is the core inspiration to A Symphony of Dichotomies; forms, shapes, and elements of nature, in particular, birds are depicted as a metaphor to reflect the coexistence of inner and external worlds, freedom of soul, infinitude and self-reflection, to create immersive watercolour and ink paintings; alongside the site-specific installation. The works are meditative and inquisitive, asking us to marvel at and pay closer attention to our lived environment.

Installation View, Manningham Art Gallery, February 2022. Photo by Tasmina Majles.